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CS EE World was created in 2019 by a May 2019 IB graduate upon the realization that there weren't enough free Computer Science Extended Essay (CS EE) exemplars online to properly guide IB students. As the notable website IB CompSci Hub says, "Extended Essays in Computer Science are not easy to do," so students need the guidance to write good papers.
This site hosts the ✨world's largest✨ collection of free original CS EEs, each of which was donated directly to us by previous students. We also include some links to EEs existing elsewhere online. Feel free to download from our collection, and please remember to donate your EE to us when it's completed and you've gotten your official IB grades!

Our Collection
At the time of writing this, the latest official IB EE guide came into action in 2018; pre-2018 EEs should be considered old. Nonetheless, we'll happily accept pre-2018 EEs, and readers are still encouraged to consider reading pre-2018 EEs - there are still things to learn from them.
📦 Note that this collection is also saved on Archive.org here
so the collection will likely live longer than this site.📦
Number of EEs available: 59
Investigating The Effect of Customizeable Configurations of Computer Vision Algorithms on Performance
Mark: 32/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2019
Donated EE
Submitter info:
To what extent are the binary and jump search algorithms efficient for data sets of increasing sizes?
Mark: 21/34
Grade: B
Session: May 2019
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Discord Username: Swastikツ#4284
Assessing the use of machine learning algorithms for predicting the outcome of random number generators.
Mark: 29/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2018
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Investigating the time complexities of the AVL Tree and Red-Black Tree insertion algorithms.
Mark: 30/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2018
External EE
Redditor u/Liammcquay's GDrive
Comparing the Performance of Different Classifier Data Mining Algorithms in Relation to the Size of the Training Set
Mark: 26/34
Grade: B
Session: May 2018
Donated EE
Submitter info:
To what extent does varying the speeds of system RAM affect the speeds of a hard disk drive in a computer system in a computerized workplace?
Mark: 20/34 (uncertain)
Grade: C
Session: May 2018
Donated EE
Submitter info:
What is the difference between the runtime efficiency of Dijkstra’s and the A* pathfinding algorithms in finding the shortest path in mazes with varying size?
Mark: 26/34
Grade: B
Session: May 2021
Donated EE
Submitter info:
To what extent can Genetic Algorithms optimize the English Keyboard Layout for Speed?
Mark: 27/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2019
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Travis Ziegler, MIT Class of 2023
Emai: tjz [at] mit [dot] edu
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The use of Neural Networks in Verifying Handwritten Signatures
Mark: 23/34
Grade: B
Session: May 2019
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Email: karlis [dot] siders [at] gmail [dot] com
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Investigation Into 256-bit Hashing and Its Vulnerability to Increasing Computing Speeds
Mark: 30/34
Grade: A
Session: November 2018
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Name: Jarred Vardy
Email: jarred [dot] vardy [at] gmail [dot] com
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Discord ID: pants#0422
"Feel free to ping me in Discord on the IB server and ask whatever questions you would like, or email me. Pinging me in Discord helps other people too so that's preferable."
To what extent would Depth first search or Breadth first search be suitable for search in graph data structures used by social networks, taking time and memory as determining factors, in the java virtual machine?
Mark: 17/34
Grade: C
Session: May 2018
Donated EE
Submitter info:
To what extent does Kernel Page Table Isolation affect performance in systems powered by Intel CPUs?
Mark: 29/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2018
External EE
June-Kyoo Park
To what extent the variation in search pattern will affect the efficiency of Rabin Karp algorithm and Boyer Moore algorithm in the terms of time complexity?
Mark: 17/34
Grade: C
Session: November 2019
Donated EE
Submitter info:
To what extent is the TF-IDF score a reliable means of classifying text and predicting job titles?
Mark: 27/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2020
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Zaid Maayah, UC Berkeley Class of 2024
zaidmaayah [at] berkeley [dot] edu
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To what extent are character-level convolutional neural networks viable for classifying texts by their century of creation?
Mark: 31/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2020
Donated EE
Submitter info:
"My name is Matvey and I am going to Waterloo for Honors Math with a
planned specialization in Data Science. Feel free to contact me at
matvey [dot] a [dot] ryabov [at] gmail.com"
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How effective are graph path searching and traversing algorithms compared to tree ones?
Mark: 17/34
Grade: C
Session: May 2020
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Name: Murad
Email: muradshahmamadli [at] gmail [dot] com
Accepted into: The University of British Columbia
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To what extent is the GNU C library heap implementation on glibc version 2.31 more secure than version 2.15 and how has this affected its performance?
Mark: 28/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2021
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Name: Rajvardhan Agarwal
Email: me [at] r4j [dot] dev
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Investigating the efficiency of AES and RSA Encryption algorithms in terms of the memory used and time taken to encrypt/decrypt alphanumeric data
Mark: 24/34
Grade: B
Session: May 2020
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Which type of random number generator most consistently produces sufficiently random binary sequences?
Mark: 24/34
Grade: B
Session: May 2021
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Gabriel DiFiore
difioregabe [at] gmail [dot] com
Studying Computer Science and Engineering at The Ohio State University
Submitter Advice:
“Please write your CS EEs in LaTeX”
To what extent is a divide-and-conquer algorithm applicable to solving the problem of ordinal classification with a binary classifier in terms of time complexity and performance?
Mark: 29/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2021
Donated EE
Submitter info:
How does the sorting efficiency of the Tree Sort compare to that of the Heap Sort in terms of time complexity for increasing sizes of randomized integer datasets?
Mark: 28/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2021
Donated EE
Submitter info:
To what extent register-based bytecode is more suitable for high-performance process virtual machines than stack-based bytecode?
Mark: 26/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2021
Donated EE
Submitter info:
To what extent is type inference possible for statically typed polymorphic object-oriented programming languages?
Mark: 16/34
Grade: C
Session: May 2021
Donated EE
Submitter info:
How far does Dijkstra’s search algorithm compare to A* search algorithm for finding the shortest path in a graph as the size of the graph increases by number of vertices?
Mark: 22/34
Grade: B
Session: May 2021
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Discord: sid_#6681
To what extent is the Chinese Pinyin IME different from Chinese Stroke IME in terms of speed and efficiency?
Mark: 14/34
Grade: C
Session: May 2021
Donated EE
Submitter info:
SFU CS 2025
pipiroy03 [at] gmail [dot] com
Please do consult your topic with supervisor. My supervisor ditched me during summer break so I came up with this weird topic. Also just 2 marks away from B though :L
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To what extent do contemporary quantum computing solutions affect the current and future security of RSA as a public key cryptography solution?
Mark: 27/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2021
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Jaden Majid
majid [dot] jaden [at] gmail.com
UBC Faculty of Science
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Investigating Relationship Between Covid-19 and Spectrograms of Coughing Acoustics Through the Use of Convolutional Neural Network
Mark: 26/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2022
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Going to UWaterloo CS + WLU BBA
wooqianghao [at] gmail [dot] com
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A Comparative Study of the Blowfish and RSA Encryption Algorithms’ speed while encrypting data of different sizes.
Mark: 23/34
Grade: B
Session: May 2022
Donated EE
Submitter info:
To what extent is the performance of tournament selection strategy better than that of roulette wheel selection in solving the Knapsack Problem in terms of convergence rate and quality of the solution with different configurations?
Mark: 27/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2022
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Name: Lam Ho
Accepted into: Dual Degree between Tel Aviv University and Columbia University
"Feel free to contact me at lamho [dot] ghis [at] gmail [dot] com for any questions regarding the IB in general or the CS EE specifically, I would be more than happy to help (if I could)!"
(Why is the email displayed like this?)
Investigating the effect on performance using a data structure in graph algorithms
Mark: 26/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2022
Donated EE
Submitter info:
How accurate and efficient are different neural networks in solving the protein folding problem?
Mark: 26/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2022
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Which hashing algorithm out of MD5 and SHA -1 is the best in validating data transfer using SFTP (simple file transfer protocol) over a network that implements SSH protocol in terms of speed of data transfer and collision resistance?
Mark: 29/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2022
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Discord: <3#7654
To what extent Branch and Bound algorithm, Greedy algorithm and the Christofides' algorithm are efficient ways of solving the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)?
Mark: 23/34
Grade: B
Session: May 2022
Donated EE
Submitter info:
"e-mail: nadia [dot] hoffmann123 [at] gmail.com My name is Nadia, I got admitted to several unis, but going to Warsaw University My supervisor expected my EE to be graded higher, but I'm happy with the result nonetheless, as the entire process of writing the essay was surprisingly quite pleasant. If you have any questions regarding CS EE, CAS or IB in general, I'll be more than happy to help! Good luck with your essay :)"
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To what extent is the speed of a Levenshtein’s distance-based approximate string-matching algorithm different when being processed on a CPU vs. on a GPU?
Mark: 29/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2022
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Email: officalquincy [at] gmail [dot] com
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In Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem Using a Genetic Algorithm, How Does Order Crossover Compare to Partially Mapped Crossover in Terms of Improving the Efficiency of Convergence and Optimality of the Solution?
Mark: 27/34
Grade: A
Session: November 2022
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Email: oso [dot] esperson [at] gmail [dot] com
(Why is the email displayed like this?)
How does the genetic algorithm compare to that of the particle swarm optimization algorithm in providing solutions to optimization problems in terms of speed and accuracy?
Mark: 29/34
Grade: A
Session: November 2022
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Name: Jack Cantwell
Email: jack [dot] cantwelljc [at] gmail.com
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To what extent can the genetic algorithm be applied in constructing decision trees for data classification?
Mark: 22/34
Grade: B
Session: May 2023
Donated EE
Submitter info:
"Committed uWaterloo CS, code here: https://github.com/Blackgaurd/GDT, discord: azoo"
To what extent is the performance of the k-means clustering algorithm in unsupervised learning influenced by the initial placement algorithm, the number of features, and the number of clusters?
Mark: 29/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2023
Donated EE
Submitter info:
To what extent can a Feed Forward Neural Network successfully mitigate an HTTP-flood distributed denial-of-service attack?
Mark: 30/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2023
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Email: dhrumangupta06 [at] gmail [dot] com
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How does “k-nearest neighbour algorithm” compare to “Naïve Bayes algorithm” in diagnosing Parkinson’s Disease, when using striatum dimensional features as input data?
Mark: 25/34
Grade: B
Session: May 2023
Donated EE
Submitter info:
To what extent is the ability of an intelligent agent to operate in unfamiliar scenarios affected by the number of hidden-layer neurons in its neural network and the number of generations it is trained for?
Mark: 30/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2023
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Name: Sachin Ramanathan
School: UC San Diego Class of 2027
Email: saramanathan [at] ucsd [dot] edu
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How effectively do the hyperparameters of a GANs influence its ability to generate high-quality images and its time complexity?
Mark: 20/34
Grade: C
Session: May 2023
Donated EE
Submitter info:
"There were way too many complications in this EE, and it would be too much to explain here. However, I can't stress enough how important it is to have a simple RQ. If you have any queries you can reach out via discord: .alblob"
To what extent does Smoothing Reduce False Edge Detection from Blurry Areas of Images on Various Edge Detection Algorithms?
Mark: 23/34
Grade: B
Session: May 2023
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Name: Haichuan Wang
Contact: pridak [at] foxmail [dot] com
University: UCSD
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How does Netflix’s Recommendation Algorithm use a collaborative filtering-based recommender system to provide efficient recommendations to users?
Mark: 18/34
Grade: C
Session: May 2023
Donated EE
Submitter info:
To what extent is the accuracy of LSTM neural Networks for the prediction of bitcoin pricing influenced by time frequencies?
Mark: 32/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2023
Donated EE
Submitter info:
"Hey fellow IB victims, I graduated in May 2023 and am now studying Computer Science at uni. For any help you can contact me on ig @elucia_narduzzi. Take care:)"
How do convolutional neural networks compare to recurrent neural networks in terms of speed and accuracy when performing speech recognition?
Mark: 27/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2021
Donated EE
Submitter info:
To what extent is the performance of a neural network dependent on the batch size and number of epochs at varying rates of training data mislabelling?
Mark: 28/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2022
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Email: andrewp0809 [at] gmail [dot] com
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To what extent do increasing processor speeds impact the efficiency of brute-force attacks against Merkle-Damg ÌŠard-based cryptographic hashing functions?
Mark: 28/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2024
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Name: Elian
Email: elian [at] elianrieza [dot] dev
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To what extent does increasing the number of children impact the Surface Area Heuristic ratio and Build Time in Bounding Volume Hierarchies in Ray Tracing Applications?
Mark: 28/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2024
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Feel free to email me at mylearnings420 [at] gmail [dot] com
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To what extent do branch mispredictions affect the performance of well-known comparison sorts?
Mark: 30/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2024
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Mikołaj Pisula
mik [dot] pisula [at] gmail [dot] com
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How does the Spectre vulnerability patch affect the performance of systems operated by AMD CPUs?
Mark: 27/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2024
Donated EE
Submitter info:
"Hey! My name is Ivan and I'm going to Queen's University for Computer Science :) If you have any questions regarding IB, feel free to contact me on IG (professor_fang21). Good Luck on your EEs!"
Which model, ARIMA or LSTM, demonstrates superior accuracy in predicting stock prices based on empirical evidence?
Mark: 30/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2024
Donated EE
Submitter info:
megatimate [at] gmail [dot] com
University of Toronto CS 2024-2028
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Which Lossless algorithm between Huffman Coding and Shannon-Fano Coding is more efficient in terms of their Compression Ratio?
Mark: 15/34
Grade: C
Session: May 2024
Donated EE
Submitter info:
akidoo (Discord)
How Does the Use of a Priority Queue and the Implementation of Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra's Algorithm Affect the Time Complexity of Solving the Shortest Path Problem in Weighted Graphs?
Mark: 29/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2024
Donated EE
Submitter info:
"Hey everyone, my name is Yaj. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need advice regarding the EE. I'm happy to help. Discord: punpun5543"
Evaluating and comparing the effectiveness of large language models to static code analysis tools for vulnerability detection in software source code.
Mark: 24/34
Grade: B
Session: May 2024
Donated EE
Submitter info:
How does Kruskal’s algorithm compare to Prim’s algorithm in finding a minimum spanning tree in a graph in terms of running time across graphs with varying densities?
Mark: 24/34
Grade: B
Session: May 2024
Donated EE
Submitter info:
Name: Sofija Velkovska
Email: sofijavelkovska27 [at] gmail [dot] com
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How does the Elitist Genetic Algorithm compare to Ant Colony System in terms of time complexity and accuracy when attempting to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem?
Mark: 30/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2024
Donated EE
Submitter info:
"Hello my name is Erika and I am studying Mathematics with Mathematical Computation at Imperial College London! Feel free to email me with any questions regarding the IB : erikarus6 [at] hotmail [dot] com"
(Why is the email displayed like this?)
What is the relative forecasting accuracy of SARIMA and PROPHET models for daily COVID-19 cases in South Korea?
Mark: 28/34
Grade: A
Session: May 2024
Donated EE
Submitter info:
How do the real-time object detection frameworks; YOLOv8, YOLOv9, and YOLOv10,
comparatively perform in terms of model efficiency in detecting various objects in
adverse weather conditions?
Mark: 30/34
Grade: A
Session: November 2024
Donated EE
Submitter info:
"Hey, Nethra here :)
feel free to contact me at nsnrr9@gmail.com if you want me to review your EE or something.
I'm currently writing the JEE so the IB was a waste of my time lmao."
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If you or anyone you know has written a Computer Science Extended essay, please help CS EE World and International Baccalaureate students around the world by submitting it to us! We would appreciate it very much. Remember, the EE doesn't have to be perfect for people to learn from it!
We have a consent form available for teachers if they want a way to get consent before submitting EEs on behalf of their students. This is completely optional; it's just for your convenience.
Have something to say about this site? Email us!
Please don't contact us for help with any part of the EE ideation or writing process. That's not something we will actively help you with - go to the IB Discord and IB Subreddit instead. All the best!