Extra External CS EE Sources
Why are these EEs not added to our main collection?
The first main reason is permission. We have a policy that every EE in our main collection will be self hosted, meaning you download them directly from our site. This way, as long as our site is up, all our EEs will be accessible and nobody will face the disappointment of encountering a dead link. So, we need permission to host people's EEs if we find them online. Some people refuse (and some never respond to us), so the best thing we can do is link to their EEs here in a secondary collection.
The second main reason is marks. As we state in our donation form, the usefulness of an EE sample is limited if we don't know the marks it received. For some external EEs, even if we have get permission to add them to our main collection, we decide not to because we couldn't get good enough information of the marks they received.

External Source Library
If you've found an EE that isn't part of our main collection and also isn't mentioned here,
tell us using the contact form on our homepage!
Also please inform us if any of the links we have here no longer work.
Number of Sources mentioned: 5
This bloke reached out to me to inform me that he had scraped my site to add more EEs to his own collection 😂
It's a pretty good collection, with EEs that aren't just for Computer Science. Give it a gander.
UWCSEA (short for United World College - South East Asia) has a massive digital library of books, text books, and academic work. They also have over 30 Computer Science EEs (as of August 2019). Some of these EEs also have surprisingly unique and interesting research questions. Though the year of each EE is stated, the marks are not revealed. And unfortunately, some of the more recent EEs are inaccessible unless you have a UWCSEA student account.
Instructions to access their CS EEs:
On the library's homepage, go to the Secondary catalog either under DOVER or EAST. Note that even though the URLs you'll get directed to afterwards are similar, you'll get different results when you start searching for things within the DOVER or EAST databases. Try both out!
Click on the Catalog tab.
Enter "Computer Science Extended Essays" into the search bar and either press the Enter key on your keyboard or press the Keyword button below the search bar.
This directory used to hold 6 pre-2018 essays, but it's since been nuked. This Wayback Machine snapshot of one of those essays is all that remains.
This page holds a May 2018 EE with the scripts used in the research included. Though not included on the GitHub page, the marks are given on Wikipedia (it got 21 out of 34). The author's email is also available on his GitHub.
This EE is pre-2018 with no explicit information on the marks it received (though the author did tell us he got an A or a B). The author's email is available on his homepage.